Acupuncture and IVF; A Match Made in Fertility Heaven

Chances are high that you or someone you know has undergone some sort of medical intervention in order to get pregnant.  According to the CDC, roughly 1 in 5 women are unable to fall pregnant after one year of trying, and of these cases, nearly half have shown male infertility to be a contributing factor. Over the years I’ve noticed a steep incline in the number of patients I see who are enhancing their ART (assisted reproductive technology) procedures with Acupuncture as prescribed by their doctors. Recent studies have shown Acupuncture to improve in vitro fertilization (IVF) success rates by 42%, prompting many fertility clinics to feature in-house acupuncturists and strongly encourage their patients to receive Acupuncture throughout the various stages of their IVF experience.  This upsurge of IVF patients in my practice has inspired me to take various courses and undergo my own research into the world of this unlikely friendship of advanced and cutting edge Western technology with ancient Chinese energy medicine.  The data is fascinating and It’s been an adventure to assist my patients as they go through the many stages and emotional peaks and valleys of the ever changing landscape of ART.  An endeavor that is not for the faint of heart, my IVF patients are some of the most dedicated, resilient and tough women I see and It’s an honor to be included in their journeys from retrieval to post-partum and all the bumps along the way. If you or someone you know has endeavored on an ART journey for fertility you know exactly what I’m talking about, it takes a lot of heart, hormones, needle jabs and perseverance and I’m grateful for the opportunity to help with the merging of these two very different yet complementary and incredible medicines.

The physiological effects of Acupuncture on the reproductive system as backed by scientific studies!

  1. Acupuncture communicates with the central nervous system; Acupuncture has an effect on the HPO and HPA axis, meaning that it can modulate the release of gonadotropins and luteinizing hormone to alter reproductive organ and hormone levels. Which is a complicated way of saying that it positively influences fertility and while supporting healthy pregnancy. Electric stimulation in particular has been shown to stimulate the release of sexy hormones and opioids like serotonin, oxytocin, and neuropeptides, all of which harmonize the reproductive system. 

  2. Acupuncture affects blood flow to the uterus and ovaries:  Studies show Acupuncture to lower pulsatory index (PI) to increase circulation and blood flow to the uterus resulting in thickening of the endometrial lining so vital for embryo implantation. A certain protocol involving electrically stimulated needles at specific locations has been proven to be especially beneficial for encouraging blood flow and endometrial thickening prior to embryonic transfer. 

  3. Reduces stress:  Let’s face it, being poked and prodded while voluntarily exposing yourself to a myriad of hormones over several months can be incredibly stressful, fortunately, Acupuncture can help. Acupuncture inhibits the sympathetic nervous system which in-turn activates the reproductive stimulating effects of the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in reduction of stress, cortisol and prolactin levels.  

  4. Regulates hormones: Due to Acupuncture’s communication with HPO and HPA axis levels, treatments can have a direct effect on hormones.  The regulating effect of Acupuncture on these axises can result in menstrual cycle regulation, increased Oocyte quality, ovulation, and endometrial lining generation.

When to get Acupuncture to enhance fertility 

  • If possible, it’s best to begin treatments as much as three months prior to egg retrieval, beginning with once weekly treatments and building up to twice weekly in the weeks leading up to retrieval.  This is also a great time for us to enhance follicle development and quality with certain supplements and Chinese herbal formulas.

  • For those undergoing frozen embryo transfer (FET) it’s common to undergo more than one retrieval. Acupuncture can be a great way to help you recover from any medication side effects while also helping to reduce stress and help ensure a good follicle count.  

  • In the months or weeks leading up to transfer, Acupuncture is essential for maintaining a relaxed nervous system as stress reduction is especially helpful for IVF success.

  • In the month prior to transfer once weekly treatments are recommended to help stimulate uterine blood flow for a healthy endometrium lining for implantation.  Day-of before and after transfer acupuncture is also recommended, if you can find a practitioner able to treat you directly after transfer in the recovery room.

  • Treatments can be resumed 10 days after treatment, weekly for the first trimester and bi-monthly for the duration of your pregnancy.