Not Your Grandmother's Porridge



This ancient porridge has been a household staple in China for thousands of years.  Renown for it's ability to strengthen digestion, increase energy, enhance immunity and inspire longevity.

I don't know about you, but breakfast is always a battle in our house, which usually results with my husband and I preparing three separate breakfasts to suit the food preferance's of ourselves and our exasperatingly picky daughters. An absolute favorite at our house and one which we can all agree on is this recipe for a quick and hot breakfast that's ready when you wake.  With a myriad of flavoring options, this is a porridge that you can customize to your families taste and  health needs. 

The basics of Congee/Jook

all you need is a slow cooker and the following:
6 parts liquid  (broth or water)
1 part grain  (white or brown rice, quinoa, ect..)
pinch of sea salt

Before bed, combine the above ingredients in your slow cooker on the lowest setting and awake the next morning to this lovely porridge.  Spice up your Jook with the following ideas and additions.

Savory:  Add any of the following before cooking.
Homemade or store bought broth, chopped carrots, onions, garlic, fresh ginger, fennel, celery,  or your favorite herbs and spices.  Get creative, with star anise or lemongrass.

Top with a fried egg, kimchi, fresh cilantro, and season with hot sauce, soy sauce or braggs.

Sweet:  add your favorite ingredients.
Use water or a mixture of water and apple cider for the liquid, dried fruit, fresh chopped apple, cinnamon sticks, ginger, cardamon pods, fennel, nutmeg, goji berries or chia seeds.

Top with fresh fruit, shredded coconut, maple syrup, honey, yogurt, nuts or seeds.  



Megan Lott